Adaptive sports
National Ability Center
National Ability Center. ( is dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive community through our transformative programs. At the core of our mission lies the #AdaptiveNation, where individuals, families, or groups of all ages and abilities experience the profound impact of adaptive recreation, adventure, and educational initiatives.
Our commitment transcends the boundaries of our facilities as we forge strong partnerships with the local community. Our Community-Based Programming is meticulously designed to offer lifelong skills and training, equipping participants with developmental disabilities to confidently and independently navigate their journey into adulthood.
Legal rights
Individuals with disability have significant legal rights across the U.S. and abroad. Over the past fifty years, both federal and state legislatures have passed significant laws to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities - The American Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disability Educational Act and others.
Advocate in your community
Communities are the central source of support and guidance for those with disabilities. By increasing awareness and education about laws, groups, programs that support those with disabilities and those in need, NYAFA is pioneering the space for improved awareness and advocacy. Join a community group or national organization. Come be part of the solution to stop discrimination and expel bad actors from our schools, agencies and organizations. Get involved.